Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Kearsarge Pass

June 12th, 2012
Day 73
Today's Miles: 5 (+7.5 Miles Extra Credit)

We slept in this morning knowing that we would only be doing 12.5 miles to Onion Valley to pick up our food for the next stretch. The first couple miles were all downhill paralleling the river we camped next to last night.

Twist next to a cascading waterfall.

Then suddenly the trail took a hard right at a junction and it felt like we were climbing one of the steepest grades yet. Luckily I was paying attention to where I was walking because we came across the first snake in a while, even though it wasn't a rattler.

After climbing for a bit we hit the Bullfrog Lake junction to Kearsarge Pass where we left the PCT to pick up our food drop. We were excited to take this trail because in Yogi's guide book they say this is one of the most picturesc sections of the trip. We quickly found out this was entirely true.

Here we got an amazing view of the Kearsarge Pinnacles above.

We reached the top of Kearsarge Pass and of course went to take pictures of the view (the one we got is above)... unfortunately, our iPhone gave us a notice that our memory was full after just one picture at the pass. What did this mean?... Well, we literally could not take one more picture or video of our trip until we cleared some memory. A little frustrated by the situation, we decided that instead of having the convenient food drop at Onion Valley; we would have to go into Bishop and offload our pictures and videos to a thumb drive so we didn't lose any of the documentation we had of our trip so far.

The person doing our food drop, Ken McDonald, turned into our ride to Bishop where we got a room at the Vagabond Inn with our now good hiker friend Camshaft. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to offload our pictures and video because it would be agonizing to take one more step on this trail without the ability to document it. Here's hoping all goes according to plan and we can be back on the trail in a day or so.


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