Saturday, May 5, 2012

The McDonald's March

May 4th, 2012
Day 34
Today's Miles: 15.5

This morning we woke up at our camp near the lake and MAN it was chilly. We headed out on to the trail and as usual enjoyed some killer morning views.

Physically, I have been feeling great. My feet are doing well and my endurance is improving. I was moving pretty quick this morning, just cruising along.

We are getting farther and farther...

While I was cruising along, I stumbled upon our 5th rattlesnake of the trail. He was sunning himself across the trail when we strolled up, noticed us, rattled and slithered away.

We kept on cruising at a great pace the rest of the day. We were leap frogging with Coop & Alex all day and ran into Frank near the 15 freeway.

With less than a half a mile to go, we came across our 6th rattlesnake of the trail.

We made it to McDonald's a little after noon.

We chowed down when we got there! Our final meal consisted of four sodas, four large fries, a bacon cheeseburger, two orders of 10 chicken nuggets, two orders of chicken strips and a milkshake. I can't remember the last time I ate at a McDonald's previous to this, but my hiker hunger was lovin' it today.

We ended up deciding to stay at the Best Western tonight along with Coop, Alex, Frank, Bird, Freebird and Bo.

Tomorrow will be a long day with no water for 22 miles. Some are considering night hiking this hot dry section of trail. We will see what tomorrow brings for us.


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